Mashup Challenge $100,000 prize - WTF if Spectate Swamp wins?

  • @Eternal Density said:

    If you video a mirror with a webcam.  You might find alien artifacts at the edge of the mirror.  This is because of the infinite ReShoot that results from the mirror.  Not because of compression.


    Is that SSDS on Windows Vista?

  • SSDS captures 700 MPH Tobacco Leaf Flyer

    @spenk said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS makes it so.
    SSDS makes it so??? Does SSDS allow you to film this shit? Does SSDS allow you to copy it from your camera? Does SSDS allow you to upload it and inflict it upon an unsuspecting world? Does SSDS allow you to look at a video just like any of the other media players out there?I'm guessing the last one - which makes SSDS pretty fucking useless.

    SSDS made the whole video process easy and fun. Without it and slowmotion playback. I would have never captured these flyers. There was lots and lots of video with nothing. Lots.

    SSDS is just too fast for these flyers. Unseen to the human eye.


    Tobacco leaf flyer 5226


    Tobacco leaf flyer 5301


    Tobacco leaf flyer 5307

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @spenk said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS makes it so.
    SSDS makes it so??? Does SSDS allow you to film this shit? Does SSDS allow you to copy it from your camera? Does SSDS allow you to upload it and inflict it upon an unsuspecting world? Does SSDS allow you to look at a video just like any of the other media players out there?I'm guessing the last one - which makes SSDS pretty fucking useless.

    SSDS made the whole video process easy and fun. Without it and slowmotion playback. I would have never captured these flyers. There was lots and lots of video with nothing. Lots.

    SSDS is just too fast for these flyers. Unseen to the human eye.

    *insert horrible-looking images of FLYING RED CIRCLES here*



    Yeah.... No.


    All I can see is red where you've marked it. Why wont you just give up?


  • @HannahRochelle said:

    All I can see is red where you've marked it. Why wont you just give up?

    My latest idea is: Swamp is actually an alien himself, trying to get back onto his ship. Unfortunately - as he's been pissing his folks off repeatedly (SSDS, video *non*-editing, etc.) - they've activated their cloaking device after telling him to beam down and look for stones with holes in them. So now he's stuck here - and guess what? He didn't learn from the experience, but still keeps pissing off everyone around. Damn - we don't have cloaking devices. Maybe if we stick one of his rocket building friend's rockets up his a** we can help him get home (or lost - whatever)?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS made the whole video process easy and fun.
    Media player, vlc or virtual dub would all have allowed you to do the same thing - SSDS just adds a confusing syntax to a basic video playback feature.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Without it and slowmotion playback.
    The slowmotion playback that windows provides you mean?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I would have never captured these flyers.
    Leaf not flyer - try to remember that.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS is just too fast for these flyers. Unseen to the human eye.
    SSDS is too fast? This has nothing to do with the camera used to film it or the whole concept of mpeg video then?

  • @spenk said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    SSDS made the whole video process easy and fun.

    Media player, vlc or virtual dub would all have allowed you to do the same thing - SSDS just adds a confusing syntax to a basic video playback feature.

    Poor sob. Media Player can't do super slow motion super super slow motion. It can only do 1/2 or 1/4 speed. But the flyers are too fast. Can't be seen at 1/4. That's only possible with SSDS. Because it's fast fast fast. But only SS and us Swampys can tell. Others no use. Too stupid.

    btw, there was this theory that proposed that everyone Swampy referred to as .+Swamp got cursed by him. Has this theory already been approved/denied?

  • @derula said:

    there was this theory that proposed that everyone Swampy referred to as .+Swamp got cursed by him. Has this theory already been approved/denied?

    MasterPlanSwamp is alive and well.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    @derula said:

    there was this theory that proposed that everyone Swampy referred to as .+Swamp got cursed by him. Has this theory already been approved/denied?

    MasterPlanSwamp is alive and well.

    So is DerulaSwamp, but I thought, you know, maybe SS's curses aren't too precise in timing and / or strength. Maybe he's planted cancer inside of us, and it takes some time until symptoms occur. Or maybe his curses didn't work for some reason. Maybe because he was on drugs.

  • @derula said:

    Maybe he's planted cancer inside of us

    I fear no cancer.

  • SSDS a lower tech s**t - I never knew



    This forum knows more about Digital Video & Desktop Search - Dino Mummies - Sasquatch - Aliens homegrown & extraterrestrial - Medicine Stones than anybody on the planet. Swampies you all graduate. Those that don't want to be graduating. Too late, You graduate anyway.

    Some of you deserve special recognition. For arguing and arguing without end. A double Swampie so to speak. Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset. Getting famous on the net using my coattails. How bad it that. Very Bad.

    That 1/2 day at SwampShack would more funl than ever. Jamming SSDS and Digital Video.

    These pics from the last post are more perminent that the ones..

    The original video so you can verify the video and do the math.



  • Junk. You are junk. You fucking fool.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    Junk. You are junk. You fucking fool.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Some of you deserve special recognition. For arguing and arguing without end. A double Swampie so to speak. Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset. Getting famous on the net using my coattails. How bad it that. Very Bad.

    There we have your real intentions. You don't want to save the world. At least not to rescue us. You just want to be a hero! It's all about you then, not your software. How very appropriate then that you are even stupider than the targets of your software. Wait, that would mean that you would write more intelligent software than you are... and then... er, where was I?

  • All need an audience

    @derula said:

    There we have your real intentions. You don't want to save the world. At least not to rescue us. You just want to be a hero! It's all about you then, not your software. How very appropriate then that you are even stupider than the targets of your software. Wait, that would mean that you would write more intelligent software than you are... and then... er, where was I?
    They all need an audience. New Dino Mummy finds, Aliens and Stone Dances even Swampies with CamCorders. And the Audience needs them. They just do.

    I hope that driving home these points isn't driving you mad mad. Too late.

    That's not you MPSwamp. You are not the same. They got you. You knew too much. Sorry.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    That's not you MPSwamp. You are not the same. They got you. You knew too much. Sorry.

    You mean, MPS was shock replaced be an AI from outer space? Damn. Now who will update and ALIENS? Will they torture MPS to get the password from him? Tell me, I'm not an alien expert like you are.

  • @derula said:

    btw, there was this theory that proposed that everyone Swampy referred to as .+Swamp got cursed by him. Has this theory already been approved/denied?

    I have a bit of a headache. Does that count as cursed?

  • @spenk said:

    I have a bit of a headache. Does that count as cursed?

    Maybe the SwampCurses have some kind of range, and get less effective the farther the victim. Where do you live, MPS? Oh right, you've been abducted by aliens... okay, Swampy's curses don't apply in space or in Eurasia / Africa / Australia / South America, q.e.d.

  • A more flaky forum I never knew

    As this discussion declines only the real real flakes remain. Good going DerulaSwamp ant the rest of our fellow flakes. Too bad for those NetSquaredSwamps missing out on all this knowledge sharing, collaboration and flakyness. Every possible critic and extremist opinion on SSDS have been expressed and poor poor old SpectateSwamp thanks you.

    Watch out for the hooded crow 



    Watch out for this bird.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    (more bullshit) 

    <font color="#ff0000" size="7">GO AWAY.</font>

  • @stolen_username said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    (more bullshit) 

    <font color="#ff0000" size="7">GO AWAY.</font>

    No reason to be rude. Stolen_Swamp. He's just warned us of that bird. That was kinda nice. I would have never guessed that this bird could be dangerous.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Watch out for this bird.

    My good, look at all those cloaked motherships hiding up against the building walls. There's so many of them, they're even assembling themselves into shapes. If you look closely at the left end of the right-most brown building, there's an assembly of cloakers that look like a figure waving at the camera.

    Thanks for warning us all of this impending Alien Walmart Greeter threat, Swampy! We'd better all start building our Alien Bomb shelters now!

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Too bad for those NetSquaredSwamps missing out on all this knowledge sharing, collaboration and flakyness.
    This isn't knowledge, sharing or collaboration - it is us taking the piss out of you. I really do not think the NetSquared people are missong out on anything.

  • Da aliens, boss, da aliens!

     For those who can't see the self-assembling cloaked alien motherships:

    1. The eyes
    2. The mouth
    3. Waving arm
    4. Brick they just shit when they realize they've been spotted by Swampy and his trusty CamCorder.

  •  @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS captures 700 MPH Tobacco Leaf Flyer

    I have some doubts about your calculation. Could you please show how you arrived at that result?

    If it was going 700mph, then it would've moved ~0.16 miles or about 253 metres in the 0.81 seconds between the first and last picture. I, however, measured it moved about 15 times it's length (assuming it did move at fixed distance to you), that would mean the leaf was about 17 metres (roughly 18.5 yards) long.

    If we take a normal size for a tobacco leaf, like let's say 20cm, I arrive at a speed of about 13km/h or roughly 8mph, which - even for wind - is not that fast at all.

  • @tdittmar said:

    Maybe if we stick one of his rocket building friend's rockets up his a** we can help him get home (or lost - whatever)?


    Obligatory bash quote. 


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset.


    Umm...I think that applies to you even more than anyone else.  We insult you whenever we get a chance, make fun of your ridiculous posts, and even started a website just for the purpose of laughing at you, and yet you still stick around and think you can "convert us" to using SSDS or teach us from your store of delusional ideas.

  • @TDC said:

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS captures 700 MPH Tobacco Leaf Flyer

    I have some doubts about your calculation. Could you please show how you arrived at that result?

    If it was going 700mph, then it would've moved ~0.16 miles or about 253 metres in the 0.81 seconds between the first and last picture. I, however, measured it moved about 15 times it's length (assuming it did move at fixed distance to you), that would mean the leaf was about 17 metres (roughly 18.5 yards) long.

    If we take a normal size for a tobacco leaf, like let's say 20cm, I arrive at a speed of about 13km/h or roughly 8mph, which - even for wind - is not that fast at all.

    Uh, it looks to me like you used "arithmetic" and "common sense" to arrive at that answer.  What were you thinking?  Or were you even thinking at all?

    Don't you know that Geeky MatheMatics is just a scam started by stuck-up Grade Niners to give inferiority complexes to people like poor poor old SpectateSwamp?  Stop trying to show off your fancy Education, your Nerdy Book Learning and your super-special Common Sense.

    Nobody needs arithmetic, common sense, a brain, or even a central nervous system when you have SSDS. 

    (BTW, 700 mph is pretty close to the speed of sound.  That tobacco leaf flyer must've made one hell of a sonic boom as it flew past Swampy.)

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    This forum knows more about Digital Video & Desktop Search - Dino Mummies - Sasquatch - Aliens homegrown & extraterrestrial - Medicine Stones than anybody on the planet. Swampies you all graduate. Those that don't want to be graduating. Too late, You graduate anyway.


    Spectate, what makes you think you have any sort of sway over the people of this forum? All you're doing is making them want to hurt you in new and interesting ways. Also, you're only a source of entertainment. You're not famous, you're a fucking nuisance.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset.

    Can you? Please?

  • @derula said:

    Is that SSDS on Windows Vista?
    I would never download SSDS.[quote user="SpectateSwamp"]SSDS is just too fast for these flyers. Unseen to the human eye.[/quote] True, all I see is red marks.[quote user="derula"] btw, there was this theory that proposed that everyone Swampy referred to as .+Swamp got cursed by him. Has this theory already been approved/denied?[/quote] I believe I suggested that, but evidence seems to not support it, and Swampy has not responded.[quote user="SpectateSwamp"]Some of you deserve special recognition. For arguing and arguing without end. A double Swampie so to speak. Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset. Getting famous on the net using my coattails. How bad it that. Very Bad.[/quote] It's not very smart to say that some deserve special recognition and then not list them.  Does your idea of special recognition mean we need to recognise them ourselves (by videoing the thread scrolling and putting red circles around the avatars the birds respond to?)?  No one has become famous on the net that I can tell (though you are becoming infamous).  And even if we did become famous, I don't see that you have any grounds to claim that is bad.@SpectateSwamp said:
    They all need an audience. New Dino Mummy finds, Aliens and Stone Dances even Swampies with CamCorders. And the Audience needs them. They just do.
    Uh, I sure don't need them, and they definitely don't need me!@SpectateSwamp said:
    I hope that driving home these points isn't driving you mad mad. Too late.
    Nope, but it's driven you mad.@SpectateSwamp said:
    That's not you MPSwamp. You are not the same. They got you. You knew too much. Sorry.
    Wow, Swampie thinks that MPS is the victim of a conspiracy now...[quote user="derula"]Maybe the SwampCurses have some kind of range, and get less effective the farther the victim.[/quote] I think the Atlantic Ocean has something to do with it.@SpectateSwamp said:
    As this discussion declines only the real real flakes remain. Good going DerulaSwamp ant the rest of our fellow flakes. Too bad for those NetSquaredSwamps missing out on all this knowledge sharing, collaboration and flakyness. Every possible critic and extremist opinion on SSDS have been expressed and poor poor old SpectateSwamp thanks you.
    Actually, I'm sure there are a lot more critical and 'extremist' opinions yet to be expressed.  I'm not sure what you think flaky means, but I doubt it means what you think it means.  I like Corn Flakes.  Also, "A more flaky forum I never knew" can get added to the list of usages of that phrase.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Watch out for this bird.
    Alrighty.  What should I do if I see it again?  Now that is a seriously blocky jpeg!@HannahRochelle said:
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset.
    Can you? Please?
    he doesn't know when to.  Actually, I'd rather he fall screaming into the sun...

  • @Eternal Density said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Watch out for this bird.
    Alrighty.  What should I do if I see it again?  Now that is a seriously blocky jpeg!@HannahRochelle said:
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Some people just don't know when to ride off into the sunset.
    Can you? Please?
    he doesn't know when to.  Actually, I'd rather he fall screaming into the sun...

     Well, that too. I was trying to be nice about it.

    (So sue me, I cant be overly mean.. I have a guilt complex. I am a failure.)

  • @HannahRochelle said:

     Well, that too. I was trying to be nice about it.
    I'm usually nice but I figure that he doesn't care whether people are nice to him or not.@HannahRochelle said:
    (So sue me, I cant be overly mean.. I have a guilt complex. I am a failure.)
    I don't think the inability to be overly mean to people is a failure :D

  • @Eternal Density said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

     Well, that too. I was trying to be nice about it.
    I'm usually nice but I figure that he doesn't care whether people are nice to him or not.

    I noticed.



    @Eternal Density said:

    @HannahRochelle said:
    (So sue me, I cant be overly mean.. I have a guilt complex. I am a failure.)
    I don't think the inability to be overly mean to people is a failure :D

    It may not be, but it makes insults not as biting as they should be. "YOU'RE A CUNTING FUCKFACE! ...Wait, I didnt mean that! I'm sorry! D:" <--example.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    (So sue me, I cant be overly mean.. I have a guilt complex. I am a failure.)
    Totally understandable.  I felt bad too, for a lot of the rude flames I sent Swampy's way, until I remembered that Spectate lies all the time (*), he loves to contradict himself, and he has repeatedly admitted that he enjoys pissing people off ("riling up the forums").  Spectate may be insane, but I think he's still grounded enough to know right from wrong. 

    He also said "it's okay to pick on people as long as you do it equally".  To me that proves he still has a moral compass, as twisted as it may be.  I have to believe that deep down in his heart, Spectate realizes it isn't nice to rile people up.  I'm sure most normal trolls realize that, too.  The difference between Swampy and normal trolls is they usually get bored after 5 minutes and go looking for another forum.  He is insanely persistent and scarily unwavering in his (fake?) beliefs.

    (*) Who here really buys that Spectate really thinks the leaf in his video is really travelling at 700 MPH, or that playing the recorded video of specks back to the "live" specks with SSDS will really get their attention?

    I used to think he was 100% batshit crazy, but now I'm starting to think that many of his outrageous statements and annoying mannerisms are calculated to "rile up the forums", and attract "interest" to his "Desktop Search".

    See how Doug Pederson can write like a normal human being, when he wants to:

    The accusations I made against Greg Gilbertson on and other related websites were completely inappropriate and untrue. I apologize to Greg Gilbertson for my comments and I wish him the best !

    Sincerely Doug Pederson
    Note the perfect grammar and spelling, and the coherent, concise nature of his statement.   

    Hmm, maybe Doug got his lawyer buddy (he "only has the one"), a family member, or friend to write that for him.  Somehow I doubt it.

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @HannahRochelle said:
    (So sue me, I cant be overly mean.. I have a guilt complex. I am a failure.)
    Totally understandable. I felt bad too, for a lot of the rude flames I sent Swampy's way, until I remembered that Spectate lies all the time (*), he loves to contradict himself, and he has repeatedly admitted that he enjoys pissing people off ("riling up the forums"). Spectate may be insane, but I think he's still grounded enough to know right from wrong.
    Yeah, I've been thinking that he may not be as stupid as he acts or sounds. Half the time he's so outrageous it's funny, and the rest of the time it's infuriating. Then again, that ol' chestnut: @SpectateSwamp on said:

    NEW video from the re-shoots. Some of the skinning
    video went beyond the 2 minute limit at
    So I will show those missing parts for the First Time.

    Viewing the last few clips from the 1st of 5 DVD's
    Nearly 300 more clips to come.

    The latest 10 just finished uploading.

    I really honestly do not know.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    Half the time he's so outrageous it's funny, and the rest of the time it's infuriating.
    Yeah, he's like a comedic brick wall.

    Since he seems to think all publicity is good publicity, I don't mind being a mean to him occasionally, so long as he doesn't know where I live. 

  • @Eternal Density said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

    Half the time he's so outrageous it's funny, and the rest of the time it's infuriating.
    Yeah, he's like a comedic brick wall.

    Since he seems to think all publicity is good publicity, I don't mind being a mean to him occasionally, so long as he doesn't know where I live. 

    ...Unlike good ol' Swampy himself, who has posted his personal details AAAAAAAAAALLLL over the goddamn internets.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    ...Unlike good ol' Swampy himself, who has posted his personal details AAAAAAAAAALLLL over the goddamn internets.
    Missile targetting parameters?  What missile targetting parameters?

  • @Eternal Density said:
    @HannahRochelle said:
    ...Unlike good ol' Swampy himself, who has posted his personal details AAAAAAAAAALLLL over the goddamn internets.
    Missile targetting parameters? What missile targetting parameters?

    innocent whistling

  • Kentucky Derby speed - the highspeed crawler would win


    SpectateSwamp knows all about speed. Check it out at this posting. 

    (I hate bragging too much and repeating myself is even worse)

    That's why SSDS is so speedy. What else would you expect from a dude that can move that quickly. 

     Being that I'm a know speed expert. I'm telling you that vent stack crawler has faster little legs than anything on the planet. It is probably faster than the horses in tomorrows Kentucky Derby. This video clip is from the same afternoon as the Cloaked MotherShip video. The afternoon of 19 October 2003 will go down as a turning point in Alien Video history. Big big day.


    high speed crawler


    For best viewing results use SSDS and grab a copy of the original video at:

    Be informed check them both.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    That's why SSDS is so speedy.

    Well, looking at your source code, "speedy" would be the last I'd come up with if I had to describe that pile of junk...

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    What else would you expect from a dude that can move that quickly.

    What does speed have to do with quality? Certainly you moved. Too fast! To write a usable program.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Being that I'm a no speed expert.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm telling you that vent stack crawler has faster little legs than anything on the planet.

    <font size="3">Who the fuck cares?</font>

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The afternoon of 19 October 2003 will go down as a turning point in Alien Video history.

    Could be. If somebody started to care about insects crawling up exhaust pipes or leaves being driven by wind.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    SpectateSwamp knows all about speed. Check it out at this posting. 

    For those not wanting to read, Swamp obviously told us how to type a Basic program written on paper into the PC faster:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I would type LL for left bracket (RR for right bracket ). PP for %, DD for $ etc.. you get the idea. [...] Way less Shift and reach for me. Then I did a
    quick search and replace (EE to =) (DD to $)...

    Yeah, Swampy, true speed expert, wink wink.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    SpectateSwamp knows all about speed. Check it out at this posting. 

    Supporting a keyboard in a GUI is something we should all do. Offering random shortcuts is not however. I personally find typing = to be no trouble at all so why would EE followed by a search and replace be better?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    That's why SSDS is so speedy. What else would you expect from a dude that can move that quickly. 
    SSDS is shit. It is only fast for you because you wrote it based on your own confused way of doing things. Nobody else on the planet understands it.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Being that I'm a know speed expert. I'm telling you that vent stack crawler has faster little legs than anything on the planet. It is probably faster than the horses in tomorrows Kentucky Derby. This video clip is from the same afternoon as the Cloaked MotherShip video. The afternoon of 19 October 2003 will go down as a turning point in Alien Video history. Big big day.
    You are a known troll / moron not an expert.  It is not an alien just an insect - get over it.

  • @derula said:

    Yeah, Swampy, true speed expert, wink wink.

    Well, of course he's speedy. Once you memorize shortcuts like that, you can probably boost your typing speed by a few seconds per page. Of course, Swampy being a delusional moron, doesn't count the time spent afterwards doing the search 'n replace.

    So let's say the original document is 1000 words. Assuming a typing speed of 80wpm, we're looking at 12.5 minutes to enter it. Let's say it's a complex document, and lots of his shortcuts apply, and we save ourselves 1 minute - 11.5 minutes to enter.

    Now we have to do search 'n replace. So he's got all those shortcuts. Let's figure 18 of them of the shifted number keys, brackets/braces, etc... 10 seconds each to enter the appropriate characters into a S&R dialog... 180 seconds spent S&R:

    12.5 minutes - 1 minute + 1.5 minutes = 13 minutes.

    Oops... we've now taken longer than what it would to enter the document with no shortcuts.

    Oh well, The S&R doesn't count anyways, since Swampy ignores anything that doesn't validate his point. He'd do well on Wall Street. "We earned 10 billion dollars! With a profit of 50 billion, once you ignore the 200 billion we lost!"


    Oh, and how does Spectate Swamp Search & Replace handle the word "well" in those documents? Guess we have to tack on yet another round of S&R to replace all the we['s to return them to 'well', so we're at 13.1 minutes.


  • @MarcB said:

    @derula said:

    Yeah, Swampy, true speed expert, wink wink.

    Well, of course he's speedy. Once you memorize shortcuts like that, you can probably boost your typing speed by a few seconds per page. Of course, Swampy being a delusional moron, doesn't count the time spent afterwards doing the search 'n replace.

    I'm a much faster typer than Old Man Swampy. I just type "p", and save the file! Then a do a search and replace and I change each occurrence of "p" into the full sourcecode of the file. Easy! Only takes 0.7 seconds to write 1000 lines of code.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    (I hate bragging too much and repeating myself is even worse)


    I wonder if you've noticed, but all you ever do is brag and repeat yourself, across and within multiple forums and threads.  How much is "too much"?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    SpectateSwamp knows all about speed. Check it out at this posting. 

    Considering how much you hate geeks, nerds and know-it-alls, it is sure is strange that you think "typing real fast" is a real-life accomplishment to be proud of.  Pretty nerdy stuff, if you ask me.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Another real life story: (RLS Circa 1984)
    Like I say, I was fast, maybe the fastest programmer/typist ever.
    I was new to the job. In those days we coded the program on
    paper then entered it in a common area where there were 8 or 10
    terminals. I just happened to sit near the fastest programmer they
    had (Valerie K.) As soon as I started entering my program. All the
    others quit typing. They knew there was a race going on. At the
    start it was very close. Then I switched my tactics for more speed.
    The language was Basic. It had lots of Brackets (), Percent Signs %,
    Dollar Signs $ and Equal Signs =. I would type LL for left bracket (
    RR for right bracket ). PP for %, DD for $ etc.. you get the idea.
    I blew Valerie away. Way less Shift and reach for me. Then I did a
    quick search and replace (EE to =) (DD to $)... I had never done that
    type of entry before or since. I wanted to win and did.   

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    SpectateSwamp knows

    That is an oxymoron.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SpectateSwamp knows all about speed.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Check it out

    Absolutely not.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I hate bragging


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I hate bragging too much

    Still a liar.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    That's why SSDS is so speedy.

    Are you trying to be ironic, witt, or sarcastic? SSDS = ULTIMATE FAIL

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    What else would you expect from a dude that can move that quickly.

    You expect us to believe you can move quickly?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Being that I'm a know speed expert.

    Citations needed. You are not a speed expert. The only thing I can think of that you would be qualified as an expert in is FAILURE.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm telling you that vent stack crawler has faster little legs than anything on the planet.

    I'm telling you that you are the very definition of idiocy.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The afternoon of 19 October 2003 will go down as a turning point in Alien Video history. Big big day.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    For best viewing results use SSDS

    Ha. Too funny. And, NO.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Be informed check them both.

    Again, NO. I don't need to check them out to be informed of your stupidity. 


  • Derby Day who's the speediest

    @CodeSimian said:

    Considering how much you hate geeks, nerds and know-it-alls, it is sure is strange that you think "typing real fast" is a real-life accomplishment to be proud of.
    Not just real fast but fast and tricky. That's why SSDS is so quick to use. I don't really hate Know-It-Alls so much anymore. The search and the net have become my source. They don't lord the trivia over me when I ask for answers. I can quote 10 year old heated email discussions word for word. What recall. what a mind. Phooie. Geeks I feel sorry for having to deal with the technical mess. For the nerds. Go outside and play.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Not just real fast but fast and tricky.
    Fast and tricky? That makes no sense, surely fast and simple is better.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    That's why SSDS is so quick to use.
    Almost impossible for anyone but you to use - nobody else understands the random keystrokes needed to make the thing work.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I can quote 10 year old heated email discussions word for word.
    Are we supposed to be impressed or something?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Geeks I feel sorry for having to deal with the technical mess. For the nerds. Go outside and play
    What technical mess are you talking about? SSDS is one of the biggest messes I have seen in recent years - is that what you are refering to? 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I can quote 10 year old heated email discussions word for word. What recall. what a mind. Phooie.
    Once again, sounds pretty fucking nerdy to me.  Only a geek would brag about typing skills and memory recall.  You must be a blast at parties, Spectate.

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