Mashup Challenge $100,000 prize - WTF if Spectate Swamp wins?

  • Nobody is looking. Just yapping.

    @WeatherGod said:

    Great... it took him how long to finally point out a speck in one of his videos and we are supposed to be wow'ed?
    There are a number of other movements in and about this cloud. If you have a closed mind you won't see anything.


    How come the "tail" of the tobacco leaf flyer is always behind it. Like it would be if it was used for flying. I'll post some pictures of it's other flights in that video. Do I have to point out everything. Start looking stop shooting off your mouths before you check things out. Typical for know-it-all Geeks.

    As a sharing and collaboration tool. There is no other program like Swamp Search. I will be making 3 copies of the family album pictures to display on TV. First I'll select the person I'm going to make the DVD for. Putting a copy of those pictures in a temporary folder. (using the cp CopyPicture option). Then I'll set the noshow field so that the second pass using the "cp" option will put all the other pictures excluding the first group to a second folder. That way they will have all the pictures of themselves first. Just like they want them. 5000+ pictures won't take that long.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    5000+ pictures won't take that long.

    And if you did it like everyone else does, it wouldn't take you ANY time. AND the people you want to see it wouldn't need a DVD, a DVD drive, and they wouldn't need to wait.

    Case in point:

    (Flickr user picked at random, sorry)

    Try catching up to this decade old man.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    As a sharing and collaboration tool. There is no other program like Swamp Search. I will be making 3 copies of the family album pictures to display on TV. First I'll select the person I'm going to make the DVD for. Putting a copy of those pictures in a temporary folder. (using the cp CopyPicture option). Then I'll set the noshow field so that the second pass using the "cp" option will put all the other pictures excluding the first group to a second folder. That way they will have all the pictures of themselves first. Just like they want them. 5000+ pictures won't take that long.


    Hi spectate_username.  I can do that with Windows Explorer.  Or this Linux thing called "cp."  I bet they stole the name from you.  Because it does the same thing.  Maybe you should go bother the Linux devs about it.  I bet they'd appreciate it.  You'd probably have more fun on the kernel mailing list than you would talking to us geeks.

    Because honestly.  I can copy files.  Without Swamp Search.

    Also, I shot your dog with my mind

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    As a sharing and collaboration tool. There is no other program like Swamp Search. I will be making 3 copies of the family album pictures to display on TV. First I'll select the person I'm going to make the DVD for. Putting a copy of those pictures in a temporary folder. (using the cp CopyPicture option). Then I'll set the noshow field so that the second pass using the "cp" option will put all the other pictures excluding the first group to a second folder. That way they will have all the pictures of themselves first. Just like they want them. 5000+ pictures won't take that long.

    This only allows you to share to people running windows and have the vb5 runtimes installed who also do not mind being expected to run arbitrary software on their pcs... Not the best sharing tool.

    Vista's DVD maker will happiily burn a slideshow / movie / both to DVD with virtually no effort and put a pretty DVD menu on there for you. How is SSDS better than that? If you want to select files you can use it's built in searching (a desktop search at that) using metadata such as tags.

    I could also share videos via things like youtube, google videos etc. No need for SSDS. Photos could easily be share on flickr or similar - still no need for SSDS.

    Collaboration involves more than just giving pictures to people, it implies a two way exchange of documents, ideas etc. including multiple people working on the same document (or related documents) - the kind of thing tools like sharepoint or even sourceforge provide.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    There are a number of other movements in and about this cloud. If you have a closed mind you won't see anything.

    How come the "tail" of the tobacco leaf flyer is always behind it. Like it would be if it was used for flying. I'll post some pictures of it's other flights in that video. Do I have to point out everything. Start looking stop shooting off your mouths before you check things out. Typical for know-it-all Geeks.

    It looks just like a leaf or two being blown by the wind, There certainly doesn't appear to be any deliberate movement going on.

  • Somebody please remind me why we are looking at specs in a video on an IT forum ?   I mean, I did go off onto a religious debate a few months ago, so I probably deserve it. I'm just saying that, as we already mentioned, Spectate Swamp thinks that his software has "features" that are magical and you can't get anywhere else.  Almost like if you didn't have his software, you won't see the aliens invading earth that are hiding in the clouds and only the birds can see them ! O M G ! Run everyone run ! There's a blurry spec in the sky that Spectate Swamp doesn't know what is and refuses to go to a scientific forum for these types of answers. He would deny what they told him after their realistic explanation.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    How come the "tail" of the tobacco leaf flyer is always behind it. Like it would be if it was used for flying.

    Yeah!  And while we're at it. Why does the tail of a kite always follow it around in the sky.  Like it would be if it was used for flying.

    Let's see Google Desktop Search answer that one! 

  • Alien Hunting with Spectate Swamp

    Get a copy of the video and check these things out.

    The super slow motion option will help you capture your own.


    tobacco leaf flyer

    tobacco leaf flyer


    tobacco leaf flyer


    tobacco leaf flyer

    tobacco leaf flyer

    tobacco leaf flyer

    tobacco leaf flyer

    tobacco leaf flyer


    Now you can see them and know where they are. See the total flight by looking at the videos.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Get a copy of the video and check these things out.

    The super slow motion option will help you capture your own.


    Ah, specks. Wonderful. wonder if they could be a leaf or two.

  •  I admire your courage, Mr Swamp.

    Clearly the aliens are all over your place for a reason.

    I think they have come to get their STONES back.

    Luckily for you, their vehicles have been too small this far to take the stones back to Beetlejuice...

  • @pitchingchris said:

    Somebody please remind me why we are looking at specs in a video on an IT forum ?

    Because coding without specs is even worse.

  • I'm sure I could get the same illusion using model airplanes. You sure there isn't a club nearby ?  Even the military uses model aircraft these days, and they can go quite fast. But from your photos, everything just looks like bugs, birds, wind, and anything else we could observe anywhere else.

  • @Spectre said:

    @pitchingchris said:
    Somebody please remind me why we are looking at specs in a video on an IT forum ?
    Because coding without specs is even worse.

     Now... THAT.... is funny ! 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    There are a number of other movements in and about this cloud. If you have a closed mind you won't see anything.

     OK... so what are we seeing here? What do YOU think these "flyers" are? Aliens? Cloaked government aircraft from Area 51? Terrorist spybots? Glitches in the Matrix?


    I really want an answer, as you're obviously pretty fucking convinced they're not just leaves. 

  • More aliens flyers to come

    @rc_pinchey said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    There are a number of other movements in and about this cloud. If you have a closed mind you won't see anything.

     OK... so what are we seeing here? What do YOU think these "flyers" are? Aliens? Cloaked government aircraft from Area 51? Terrorist spybots? Glitches in the Matrix?


    I really want an answer, as you're obviously pretty fucking convinced they're not just leaves. 

    There are quite a few more flyers on my top 10 alien list. I don't have a clue what they are. People on this forum seem to have ALL the answers. Just don't paint yourself into a corner before you have viewed them.

  • Back in my undergraduate days, there was this woman who kept calling our university's weather center complaining that we were somehow changing the sunset and sunrise time.  "I am on to you", she would say.  Of course, students answering her calls would ask if there were any mountains or tall hills nearby and she affirmed that she lived in a valley.  Students then went on to explain that the sunset and sunrise times in the almanac were for a level horizon and wouldn't be perfectly correct when there are mountains nearby.  Even after being told that several times, she still claimed that the university was doing something to mess up her sunrise and sunsets.

    The same lady also kept calling us claiming that we were cloud seeding "again" because the sky was full of clouds.  Not only do we not cloud seed (or anybody in that area, for that matter), this is ridiculous because cloud seeding causes existing clouds to rain out, thus dissipating them.  No matter how much students explained to her that cloud seeding clears out the sky, she kept on calling us.

    SpecateSwamp is like this lady.  No matter how blue in the face you get with your explanations, he will continue to ignore the facts contrary to his belief.  He is also like this lady because after dealing with him yourself, it becomes amusing to watch noobs throw up their arms in frustration for their first encounter with this breed.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    There are quite a few more flyers on my top 10 alien list. I don't have a clue what they are. People on this forum seem to have ALL the answers. Just don't paint yourself into a corner before you have viewed them.

    If these are the best then I would hate to see the rest of your top 10 (you will probably make us suffer them regardless though). 

    I have viewed you videos, having a very quiet day in the office today, and they look just like leaves in a strong wind. In fact other than the setting I can see exactly the same kind of motion from a crisp packet blowing past my window right now.

  • @spenk said:

    In fact other than the setting I can see exactly the same kind of motion from a crisp packet blowing past my window right now.

    I hope that Crisp Flyer ranks suitably highly in your top 10 alien list. Birds can see it, JAM IT with super slow-motion. 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Get a copy of the video and check these things out.

    We don't need to, Swampy. Ok, you got us. You found the glitch in the Matrix. Now go out and reboot the Source.

    You're not the first, and unfortunately won't be the last, person to see specks in the sky. Anyone with a functioning brain will go "look, a bug!". Only an insane idiot like you will go "OMGWTFBBQZORZ ALIENS!!!!!!" 

  • @rc_pinchey said:

    @spenk said:

    In fact other than the setting I can see exactly the same kind of motion from a crisp packet blowing past my window right now.

    I hope that Crisp Flyer ranks suitably highly in your top 10 alien list. Birds can see it, JAM IT with super slow-motion. 


    Perhaps it should, since my last post the crisp packet has disappeared from sight

  • @spenk said:

    @rc_pinchey said:

    @spenk said:

    In fact other than the setting I can see exactly the same kind of motion from a crisp packet blowing past my window right now.

    I hope that Crisp Flyer ranks suitably highly in your top 10 alien list. Birds can see it, JAM IT with super slow-motion. 


    Perhaps it should, since my last post the crisp packet has disappeared from sight

    Oh you guys kill me. I mean, you reallly crack me up. I laugh so much harder at this ordinary humor, thanks for saving my day

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Do I have to point out everything.
    Yes. Because. You. Are. the Only. One. Who. Seems. to See. Anything. Strange. BoonDoggle.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    As a sharing and collaboration tool. There is no other program like Swamp Search.
    Correct. Every Other. Sharing and Collaboration Tool. Works. Yours. Does Not. Jam It.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    There are quite a few more flyers on my top 10 alien list. I don't have a clue what they are. People on this forum seem to have ALL the answers. Just don't paint yourself into a corner before you have viewed them.

    Too true.  Don't just go assuming all those bugs in the sky (and not aliens) are just bugs in the sky (and not aliens), before you have a chance to watch the videos of bugs in the sky (and not aliens) and confirm that they are just bugs in the sky (and not aliens).

  • Pinocchio flyers

    Pinocchio flyers


    This scene is right near the end of the original video at:


    The spot at the center seems to be the focal points for all the other strange flyers. See if you can find them this time.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    See if you can find them this time.

    *Yawn* No.

    Do something amusing now. This is just sad.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Completely unimportant, totally off-topic post about specs or something.

    Remember when Swampy at least stayed on the topic of his worthless "search" program?  Those were the days...


  • @bstorer said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Completely unimportant, totally off-topic post about specs or something.

    Remember when Swampy at least stayed on the topic of his worthless "search" program?  Those were the days...



    Yeah really, I just can't bring myself to be useless enough to sit here and argue with a retard about leaves and other crap blowing around in the wind.

    I have to draw the line somewhere, and kicking a mental cripple like this is just too sad now.

    Oh well, I figure people here are gradually degrading that last little sparkle of sense he may have had.... so this is just going to continue downhill.


    I figure eventually he will just end up like Lysis.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    I figure eventually he will just end up like Lysis.


    You two always argue with each other it almost seems like yall should move in together :)

  • @pitchingchris said:

    @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    I figure eventually he will just end up like Lysis.


    You two always argue with each other it almost seems like yall should move in together :)


    Perhaps we have different definitions of argue.... but...

    When have I ever argued with Lysis?


  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    When have I ever argued with Lysis?

    Maybe I used the wrong word... But every now and then I look at posts from either of yall and you leave a comment about lysis here and there, and lysis leaves a comment about you. I just thought it was amusing.

  • @pitchingchris said:

    @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    I figure eventually he will just end up like Lysis.

    You two always argue with each other it almost seems like yall should move in together :)


    Ah, it is the love that dare not speak its name... or at least a potential revamp of The Odd Couple. 

  • @pitchingchris said:

    @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    When have I ever argued with Lysis?

    Maybe I used the wrong word... But every now and then I look at posts from either of yall and you leave a comment about lysis here and there, and lysis leaves a comment about you. I just thought it was amusing.


    Lysis has been another staple of the sad side of these forums as of late. That whole 12 year old, 4chan,lolcat trolling crap has really seen a surge.

    I ignore him directly, but it is one of those issues that is obviously around. 

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    Lysis has been another staple of the sad side of these forums as of late. That whole 12 year old, 4chan,lolcat trolling crap has really seen a surge.

    I ignore him directly, but it is one of those issues that is obviously around.


    Yeah, at least the previous troll incarnations around here could accidentally give rise a good debate.

  • @bstorer said:

    Yeah, at least the previous troll incarnations around here could accidentally give rise a good debate.

    Right, like Spectate used to be entertaining, but the little kiddies are just boring.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The spot at the center seems to be the focal points for all the other strange flyers. See if you can find them this time.

    I found Waldo!

    Does SSDS let you search for specs in an image? 

  • @Eternal Density said:

    Does SSDS let you search for specs in an image? 

    Sure, as long as you input all their coordinates into the specks.txt file.

    Then, rename search.exe to i.wish.this.program.actually.searched.something.exe and Jam it!

  • @Eternal Density said:

    I found Waldo!


    You get my vote for best punchline in this thread! 

  • A thought occurs

    I've just had a thought. Spectate has had, what, something around 600 posts now? As far as I can remember, in all that time, he hasn't asked anyone any questions. Let me say that again- unless I'm very much mistaken, Spectate Swamp has posted a several hundred different messages without even once trying to obtain information. Does that strike anyone else as a little... solipsist?

    I mean sure, he's asked a couple of rhetorical questions, and he's asked people to do work for him, but still... bloody hell that's odd.



    ...but then, why would a Solipsist post on a forum in the first place?  :-S 

  • @rc_pinchey said:

    I've just had a thought. Spectate has had, what, something around 600 posts now? As far as I can remember, in all that time, he hasn't asked anyone any questions. Let me say that again- unless I'm very much mistaken, Spectate Swamp has posted a several hundred different messages without even once trying to obtain information. Does that strike anyone else as a little... solipsist?

    I mean sure, he's asked a couple of rhetorical questions, and he's asked people to do work for him, but still... bloody hell that's odd.



    ...but then, why would a Solipsist post on a forum in the first place?  :-S 

    What are 3 dino mummy sites worth on the open market? We have em. How bad do paleontologists want them?


  • @rc_pinchey said:

    I've just had a thought. Spectate has had, what, something around 600 posts now? As far as I can remember, in all that time, he hasn't asked anyone any questions. Let me say that again- unless I'm very much mistaken, Spectate Swamp has posted a several hundred different messages without even once trying to obtain information. Does that strike anyone else as a little... solipsist?


    Not that it matters, but I think I was the first (and only) other person to speculate that Spectate is a solipsist.  On the other hand I have replied waayyy too often to Swampy (I am not proud), so I would understand if people started skipping over my posts. 


    I think he is a solipsist.  Every thing he writes is from his point of view, even when others ask him for information. e.g.


    Potential SSDS User: SSDS does it all!  Video, pictures, etc.  If only it could do search!

    SpectateSwamp: Hi  [Potential SSDS User], to search my inbox.txt (I keep all my mail in there), ..., search for all instances of SpectateSwamp...


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    What are 3 dino mummy sites worth on the open market? We have em. How bad do paleontologists want them?

    What makes you think anyone here can answer those questions? This is THEDAILYWTF.COM: CURIOUS PERVERSIONS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, not FUTILE EXCURSIONS IN PALEONTOLOGY.

    Of course, it is entirely possible that you are just mocking us by asking another series of worthless rhetorical questions after someone complained that you never ask real questions.

    Well done.  You are either the world's stupidest or most annoying man.   

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    What are 3 dino mummy sites worth on the open market? We have em. How bad do paleontologists want them?

    The answer to your question is x, where x is an amount of money equal to the value of 3 dino mummy sites as determined by an open market.  I have a feeling x is going to be quite close to zero.

    @CodeSimian said:

    Well done.  You are either the world's stupidest or most annoying man.   

    Can't he be both? 

  • @rc_pinchey said:

    Does that strike anyone else as a little... solipsist?

    • runs off to

    Hmm, yes I agree, shallow and pedantic.

    (And the tag editor decided to throw a 3 in the middle of the tag when I was done typing it. Awesome.)


    Hey Swampy!,

    I've made an new version of SSDS that allow me to filter the clouds out of the image and enhance the ufos!

    You're right! Those specks are flaws in the ufo's cloak! You're a genius!


     Filtered Image shows UFOSS!!

  • It's just a piece of trash blowing in the wind! Do you have any idea how complex your circulatory system is?!

  • @Charles Capps said:

    It's just a piece of trash blowing in the wind! Do you have any idea how complex your circulatory system is?!

    Perhaps this was Spectate's inspiration: 

  • @CodeSimian said:

    Not that it matters, but I think I was the first (and only) other person to speculate that Spectate is a solipsist.

    I know, I think you're right. I had my money on paranoia with a god complex, but hadn't noticed the questions weirdness. Excellent amateur online psychoanalysis, that man!

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    What are 3 dino mummy sites worth on the open market? We have em. How bad do paleontologists want them?

    As I said, you only ask rhetorical questions- you don't expect or even want an answer.

    3 dino mummy sites are worth very little on the open market. Paleontologists want them... ooh, seven of bad.

  • Wow...I go on vacation for a bit, and I come back to discover another thread full of 500 posts of entertainment. And a whole new level of insanity - medicine stones? WTF? And apparently legitimate news articles from 20+ years ago? Seriously, this is amazing.

    Spectate, you claim that we now know 2/3 of the story - what's the remaining 1/3? Are you actually an alien? Is the UFO hunting a cover for your real identity?

  • Come to Swamp Shack to get the rest. 80% done

    @aleph said:

    Wow...I go on vacation for a bit, and I come back to discover another thread full of 500 posts of entertainment. And a whole new level of insanity - medicine stones? WTF? And apparently legitimate news articles from 20+ years ago? Seriously, this is amazing.

    Spectate, you claim that we now know 2/3 of the story - what's the remaining 1/3? Are you actually an alien? Is the UFO hunting a cover for your real identity?

    The dino stuff is pretty cool as well. I'm taking the alien videos to a more "educated" forum I might even get some help videoing these things? All my questions here went unanswered. Who will try, who will view, who will make a good joke. Most of the time people were giving me answers on video they didn't have time to download and search. Anyway this has been 80% of the story. You might have to come to Swamp Shack to get the rest.

  • I'd Rather Be Mauled By A Bear Than Visit The Swamp Shack

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm taking the alien videos to a more "educated" forum

    Awesome.  Consider taking your whole, crazy show over there.  Don't feel the need to come back here, either. 

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Most of the time people were giving me answers on video they didn't have time to download and search.

    I watched a couple of videos.  One was a bug and one was a leaf.  Not really the sort of thing I tend to spend a lot of time on. 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Anyway this has been 80% of the story. You might have to come to Swamp Shack to get the rest.

    No thanks. Why don't you just make a video of yourself in the Swamp Shack cursing MPS with the medicine stones, using SSDS to find some dino skins (I'm really curious as to how this part works), and showing/telling us the remaining 20% of the story? It could become the next great Internet video if you can combine all of that into one video.

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